
The Albatross Equation
(The fault is mine, and mine alone)

Jan 2024
Digital collage / computer generated
A Rapture in three Flights* - each being 51cm (20") x 63.5cm (25"),
a total of 125.5cm (60") x 63.5cm (25")

0Contents 000Previous image 000File L 000Notes and biography
0The other index000Thumb other index

0The three Raptures -

0Rapture the first -

The Albatross Equation (i)

The fault defined
0Rapture the second -

The Albatross Equation (ii)

The field defined
0Rapture the third -

The Albatross Equation (iii)

What was the question again?

*Note: three Flights - not Fits, Fights, Frights or Slights...
but more nearly -
and merely -
Sleights of the imagination...

Oh! - and it probably should have been 'rupture' rather than 'rapture'.....


Before I forget - the real poster had 'El Fred El May'.